Wonderful events

A message from Sai Baba

A message from Sai Baba
On the night of Jan. 31 to Feb. 1 (Thursday to Friday) Robbert spontaneously felt the loving presence of Sai Baba. Robbert felt a very strong love-connection with Sai Baba, he felt that Sai Baba is a very important teacher, who even now – after his physical death – still is involved with mankind.   His total being is a great source of inspiration for many people on earth. Robbert received the suggestion that it is very beneficial for people to focus on Sai Baba in silence. Robbert felt that, in a positive sense, God had gained a lot of ground due to Sai Baba. It is evidential that the power of God - and ‘good’ - always wins, having seen the millions of people from all over the world who paid Sai Baba…
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Signs and symbols on Robbert
Never before, there were so many formations as in the crop circle season of 2012, not to speak about their complexity ... But there were more exceptional events. There appeared a kind of ' fire marks ' on Robbert’s body. This he had never experienced in his life before, but last season this happened a number of times in a row. It seems that the phenomenon itself builds up, it is becoming more extreme and it seems to go exhibit directly around Robbert. Below we give an overview of all characters and symbols that have been appeared so far.   It started on July 16th, shortly after the 10th formation had arisen. Once back home again, after the discovery of the crop circle formation, Robbert called around 04: 00. in th…

Message from Princess Juliana

Message from Princess Juliana
On the night of September 16 - 17, Robbert spontaneously perceived the presence of Princess Juliana. For the last couple of days prior to this, she already crossed his mind numerous times; she emerged in his feelings.
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An appearance and message from Princess Diana, with a beautiful sign.

An appearance and message from Princess Diana, with a beautiful sign.
On the night of August 31 to September 1, Robbert was constantly thinking of Princess Diana. This lasted for quite some time when he suddenly felt her presence very near to him. Robbert decided to ask her if she could give a signal via the lights flickering, if it really was her. If this did happen Stan thought it would be a good idea to film it and grabbed the camera. Robbert stretched his hands towards the room lights, to channel her energy, and the lights then started flashing several times. It was allowed to capture this on video.
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Father of Joran van der Sloot contacts Robbert for a revelation.

Father of Joran van der Sloot contacts Robbert for a revelation.
On the night of October 7-8 Robbert suddenly felt a presence. Immediately afterwards he saw Paul van der Sloot – the father of Joran van der Sloot – clearly in front of him. This man died in 2010. Paul told Robbert to be open about the secret that Robbert and Stan (for fear of misunderstanding) carried with them. Robbert then felt a tremendous power and love coming from God to do this, so he felt it was part of the divine plan. Therefore we will do so, it has to do with his son, Joran van der sloot.   Stan is a highly sensitive person who has the natural ability to understand the spiritual realms and divine consciousness with all its love. Not only is he highly sensitive, he is also highly gifted (very intellige…
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Message and appearance of Dave Chorley and Pat Delgado (on photo during an experiment)

Message and appearance of Dave Chorley and Pat Delgado (on photo during an experiment)
On April 15 2012 Robbert sensed a strong energy build-up at his place. He was sitting in his living room and felt a tingling in his crown, which went to his left arm. It felt almost like he was passing out for a moment, a dizzy feeling. He closed his eyes and asked “Is someone here who wants to talk with me?” All of a sudden, he saw in front of him the face of a somewhat older man approaching. He abruptly heard “Yes” in his head and as the face of the elderly man came even closer, Robbert almost instantaneously recognized it. It was the face of Dave Chorley, of the famous couple Doug and Dave.
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Easter Message

Easter Message
In the year 2000, Robbert experienced for the first time something special on Good Friday. And it went hand in hand with a cross formation that arose in the grass on his “special” field at the Palingstraat (a street). Since then he feels something special every year around that time. In most cases on Good Friday itself, but sometimes slightly thereafter. The experience is usually accompanied with a message for mankind.   Last year it was the appearance of Francis of Assisi (the patron saint of  animals). This time Robbert again had the presentiment that something would appear in a photo. Read his story below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
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UFO in the picture - eyewitness report

UFO in the picture - eyewitness report
By: Peter Vanlaerhoven (DCCA) The 5th crop circle of 2009, which appeared during the night of July 23 to 24 (Thursday to Friday), was visited on Saturday July 25 and gave exceptional results. After the official investigation, we later went back with a group of people to the appropriate field in the southwest of the Netherlands, in the evening of the same day. From the DCCA (Dutch Crop Circle Archives) were present: Sjaak Damen, Richard van Rijswijk and me, Peter Vanlaerhoven. Also present were Robbert van den Broeke along with Nancy Talbott, and Pascal, a friend of Richard. The energetic vibrations were so palpable, that this by itself gave a very special feeling, but later it turned out that things could become even more extraordin…
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Particular incident on July 31 2009

Particular incident on July 31 2009
At the ‘special field’, next to the Palingstraat in Hoeven, a particular incident took place. On this specific day, Robbert decided at one point to leave all the hectic world behind for a moment and took his moped for a ride through the polders (fields). It must have been around six o’clock in the late afternoon that he had a strong urge to go to his special field. Upon arrival at the field, he noticed a luminous object which seemed to stand on two legs and to consist of three parts.   The middle section consisted of a metallic oval or egg-like shape, which radiated a yellow/orange light. Above that, a bright luminous plasma-like source was perceptible, underneath two disks seemed to rotate in an oppos…
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Analysis of white powder from crop circle

Analysis of white powder from crop circle
As has occurred repeatedly in crop circles found in the fields around Hoeven (and also in conjunction with other anomalous incidents which occured at the home of Robbert v/d Broeke), a very fine-grained white powder appeared again on October 5, 2009 this time in the center of a small new circle which had been added to a series of rings discovered previously on September 27th.   In the attached PDF file you will find a description and a laboratory analysis of this incident.      
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Vorige Blz
Vorige Blz

Most read

Signs and symbols on Robbert
27 Feb 2013 | 5253 x Viewed

Photo experiment, appearance (on photo) of Neil Armstrong and Karla Turner, and a revelation/ message.
12 Mar 2014 | 5060 x Viewed

Appearance of an abnormality in a photo, with striking message.
24 Aug 2013 | 4119 x Viewed

Apparition of Christopher Hitchens and Edgar Cayce, with message.
21 Jul 2014 | 2787 x Viewed

An appearance and message from Princess Diana, with a beautiful sign.
23 Oct 2015 | 2639 x Viewed

A message from Sai Baba
23 Mar 2013 | 2638 x Viewed