Cropcircle Archive

Explanation map
Throughout his life, Robbert has observed an enormous amount of crop circles. It is intended that on this page, all formations will be archived for more insight into these formations. Below you will now find the complete list from 2007 on. You can view the observations both through the map as well as the alphabetical overview that is listed below. In addition, there is also the option via the menu below to choose a selection per year.
Formation 2008

Formation 2008

Observed on: 29 June 2008

This year, the first real crop circle of the Netherlands arose on the night of June 28 to 29 in Standdaarbuiten. There were other crop circles reported before, all of which however proved to be hoaxes. The owner of this plot was not very amused with this, what he called, “crop destruction”. According to his own statement, he has by now notified the Police, and wants to see absolutely NOBODY on his land.

The notification came from Robbert van den Broeke, who phoned on Saturday evening with the announcement that he had a premonition of what was about to happen, and that he had already drawn the appropriate formation on paper before it lay there on the ground.

It concerns a large circle with around it 4 smaller circles. These smaller circles have a diameter of 7.2 ft, 7.5 ft, 7.9 ft and 8.5 ft. The latter lay approx. 10 ft away from the large circle, the others 1 ft away. The large circle proved to be not perfectly round and measured 45.9 ft at its longest and 42.6 ft at its shortest diameter. From the center, a section ran outward to the periphery (thus forming a triangle), in which the crop all lay in one direction, the rest lay nicely round, counterclockwise. There were 2 ley lines (each 10 ft wide) detectable, one of which ran towards a church of a nearby town. Although the crop circle lay almost directly under high voltage power lines, an extreme form of peace could be felt. Also a rotating energy with an opposite flow direction relative to how the crop lay, clearly could be felt. There were no footprints observed in the circles and the crop clearly had curved growth-nodes.

Even the farmers story could not stop me from feeling relaxed. He was convinced that someone with a heavy roller was to blame, but my research proved this to be impossible, because the surface was nicely intact while where I had placed my feet, the ground was very crumbled. This certainly should have been the case if someone with a heavy roller would have gone over it. Alas, the farmer stood by his position and he wants to hear nothing more about it, period!!!

(Report and photos: Peter Vanlaerhoven, DCCA)

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